Using the Primacy and Recency Effect to improve your marketing message
Stitch Lantern Bullseye Apple Teapot Banks Dragon Tramp Edgar Gypsy Upside-down cake Snowman Without looking, how many things on that list can you remember? (Hey, I said no looking!). On average, most people can remember about 7 items on a list (give or take two). Additionally, most people will remember the first couple and the last couple due to the Recency Effect and the Primacy Effect.
(So if you were one of the people that remember Stitch, Lantern, Upside-down cake, and Snowman, then congrats! You’re normal (-ish).)
As marketers, we can use this when crafting our message. Know that the first and last things we say are going to be the most important - whether that’s in the entire message, a bullet point list, or organization of products (for example, that’s why Cidewalk’s first Pinterest board is ‘Cidewalk Features & Benefits’ while the last is ‘Creating Successful Advertising’) One great way to get attention on the backend of messages is the use a P.S. Because this stands-out from the rest of your message, it provides you a great opportunity to call-out that lasting impression. P.S. Come back later in this week for another new tip |
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