How to get on-board with the hyperlocal marketing craze
I was recently attending an event where the speaker told a story about his experience in the town I grew up in (which is 1000 miles away from where I currently live). Two days later, I was reading an article that used my town as an example. Each time I found myself swelling up with pride and getting irrationally excited. “OH MY GOODNESS!! He mentioned my town!!”
We are naturally prideful when someone mentions our hometown (Exhibit A). Where we live and where we are from are just as much a part of who we are as our genetics. It shapes our personality, language, and the way we view the world. It creates an unique “group” that we belong to. As marketers and small business owners, we need to make sure we are a part of that ingroup. (If you don’t believe me - watch this . . . . or this . . . or even this . . . or just ask any bank that is competing against a local credit union). Being a good “neighbor” creates multiple opportunities to stand out above the competition. Mainly, it allows you to personalize your message - which happens to be one of the most important things customers care about. Consider:
So enough of me blabbing about background, here is how you can start to localize your marketing efforts today:
Usually, there is one big drawback to trying to promote hyperlocally. As puts it “When it comes to hyperlocal content marketing, the elephant in the room is the enormous costs required to pull it off. Hyperlocal ain’t cheap.” . .. .. . [editor’s addendum - until now. Starting at $20 / mo, small businesses can target tens of thousands potential customers . . . . .all in your specific town / city via Cidewalk. Click here to try it for yourself] Be sure to check-in next week for another new tip! |
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