4/20/2015 Advanced Cidewalk Techniques Part 2: Leveraging the Power of Social Media + Cidewalk For Your BusinessRead Now So we’ve been over how to properly A/B test (link) your Cidewalk promotions to get the most out of them. Now that you have the perfect set of two or three go-to promotions that really work, how do you maximize the number of people who see each one? Social media. Cidewalk’s main power comes from its ability to geo-target your promotion to people in an area of your choosing. Combined with the power of social media, which allows you to post updates to people already interested in your brand and your business, it delivers a one-two promotional “punch” that you can use again and again. Remember, you can share your promotion on social media (or anywhere else, with your unique promo URL) even after your promotion has reached its chosen view count! Here are ways you can harness the best parts of Cidewalk and social media to get maximum, targeted reach for your best promotions: 1. Use the “Share on Facebook” button to share your promotion to a network of targeted people who have already taken interest in your business or brand. To do this, just go into the stats page for your promotion and click “share on Facebook.” When you do that, a pop-up will show that appears like this: Feel free to write in more details, or ask your network to spread the word about your sale or event! 2. Click “View Promotion Online” for even more options! On the same stats page, click this button to view your promotion on shareable web page that will never expire. Post the URL of this page anywhere on Facebook, share it on Twitter, or even share with people in your Google+ circles. Here is an example of the page you’ll see when you click “View Promotion Online”: On this page, you’ll see more options to share your promotion across different networks:
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