Meet Herminio, a Cidewalk Advertiser
“I didn’t have much experience in mobile marketing, so
I thought it would be a challenge but I quickly realized
if you stick to these basics you will be on your way to mobile
advertising success.”
- Herminio Gomes
My 3 Cidewalk Tips
- Your ad titles and descriptions should be exciting & offer a value proposition, ask yourself, “would I click on this ad?”
- When you receive a lead, respond as soon as possible. Then follow-up again and again with different points of interest.
- Your replies should be similar to what you’d say if someone walked into your store. Have a conversation. You wouldn’t walk up to them and say, “go to my website.”
You’re not just trying to acquire customers, you’re in competition with other businesses in your area, it’s important to make sure your ad stands out. and I want my ads to get attention, not anyone else’s. This is the mindset you should be in to be successful.” -Herminio
Tips from Cidewalk
Replying quickly to your lead is very important. But something that's equally important is how you reply.
Here is how you should and shouldn't reply.
Here is how you should and shouldn't reply.