Keep in touch with your customers weekly!
An engaged customer is a repeat customer.
100% Self Serve Mobile Marketing Platform.
Before you get started, please take this short tour to understand how it works so you can get the most out of the service:
Before you get started, please take this short tour to understand how it works so you can get the most out of the service:
3 Step Quick Start:
Get started in 3 simple steps
1. Reserve a single word text code (example: "JOESPIZZA") 2. Set up a welcome auto reply (the message that will automatically go to anyone who joins your group). 3. Promote your group name so people can join. Download your FREE, custom flyer! NOTE: Users MUST opt-in to receive messages from your group. Under federal law, you cannot text message anyone without their permission. |
How do people join my group?
You will want people to join your group so that you can message them weekly. You can do this many ways:
1. Add a message to your website: "To receive coupons and updates from us join our group! Text "YourReservedTextCode" to 760-624-3435"
2. Download and print your free, custom flyer when you reserve your Text Code
3. Make your own flyer and place it in your store, by your register or in a highly viable location
1. Add a message to your website: "To receive coupons and updates from us join our group! Text "YourReservedTextCode" to 760-624-3435"
2. Download and print your free, custom flyer when you reserve your Text Code
3. Make your own flyer and place it in your store, by your register or in a highly viable location
Who can join my group?
Anyone can join your group, by texting your Text Code to 760-624-3435. Users must opt-in or join to receive messages. Messages cannot be sent to anyone who does not give you permission to text them.
Can I view all of my text campaigns?
Simply log into your Cidewalk account and click on TEXT at the top to view your past campaigns and your user list(s).
How often should I send out messages?
We recommend sending out no more than 1 message a week.
What should my message(s) say?
Tips for messaging:
- Keep your messages short (10 words max if possible).
- Avoid sending general information - keep it exciting and include exclusive discounts, new products, etc.
- Make it useful. Your message should answer the question "what's in it for me?"